Daily Devotions


Day 108

Psalm 78:6a "That the generation to come might know them..."

Day 108 – Psalm 78

“That the generation to come might know them…” Psalm 78:6a


One of the most outstanding things that stand out as we read the introductory verses of Psalm 78 is the focus on “the children”, that is, “the next generation”.

“That the generation to come might know them,
The children who would be born,
That they may arise and declare them to their children.”
Psalm 78:6

1. Note the number of times the following words were used:-

a) “The generation to come”
This phrase was used twice (Psalm 78:4b, 6a).
b) The “children”
The word “children” was used thrice (Psalm 78:4a, 5d, 6b).
c) The children of the third generation (and following)
This was used once (Psalm 78:6c {Cf. Deuteronomy 4:9… “grandchildren”}).
d) Overall impact
There is no mistaking the concern for children!

2. “Might know them”

a) This is a reference to:
i) The knowledge of the Person of God.
ii) The laws of God.
iii) The mighty works of God.
b) Knowledge of God
i) Must be taught carefully.
ii) Must be imparted lovingly.

3. “That they may arise and declare them to their children”

a) The children of this generation must first be reached and taught well.
b) In time to come they must arise and teach their children. In this way “the faith of the fathers” will be successfully passed down.