
The Youth Worship is specially catered for young people with thought-provoking messages and an emphasis on what worship truly is. Through Youth Worship, we seek to nurture in our young people a proper regard for God, a love for His Word and His people, and a faith that is real and relevant.

Latest Message

Youth Worship 27th July 2024 : The Altar of Incense
Text: Exodus 30:1-10; 34-38

Rev Jonathan Jacob
Focus on Faith

27 Jul 2024

Young People's Group

YPG is a place where young people first grow in faith and knowledge (YPG1) and then in skill and service to God (YPG2).

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Pulpit Theme for July-August 2024

“The Hand Of The Lord Was With Them”

The Hand of Lord indicates His personal involvement. Join us on Sundays to trace God’s Hand in our lives and ministry as we prepare to celebrate our 51st Anniversary.