Daily Devotions


Day 187

Psalm 57:9a "I will praise You, O LORD, among the peoples..."

Day 187 – Psalm 57

“I will praise You, O LORD, among the peoples…” Psalm 57:9a


The practice of “Praise” is a very natural part of life. Parents praise children for their efforts. When people do well in life, they are praised. It should be the most natural thing to offer praise to God!

“I will praise You, O LORD, among the peoples;
I will sing to You among the nations.”
Psalm 57:9

1. Overcoming inhibitions

a) People have little qualms about showering praise on fellow-human beings.
b) Some feel awkward when it comes to offering praise to God.
c) It would be good if we work at removing inhibitions till praise to God becomes natural.

2. Determining to praise God

a) This sense of determination may be seen in the phrase “I will”.
b) David expressed determination three times (Psalm 57:7, 9)

3. Extending the sphere

a) The first sphere is “personal”.
David determined that he would awake the dawn with songs of praise.
b) The next sphere would be in public.
David would not just practise “personal praise”
i) Among the peoples.
ii) Among the nations.

4. Focus of Praise

a) The Lord would be the One who would receive praise from the lips of David.
b) The songs and the musical instruments would only be means of praise- nothing more!