Daily Devotions


Day 188

Psalm 57:10 "For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens..."

Day 188 – Psalm 57

“For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens…” Psalm 57:10


Good content should accompany good tunes! Two special things stand out in this particular psalm of praise.

“For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,
And Your truth unto the clouds.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.”
Psalm 57:10-11

1. Theme of “Mercy” and “Truth”

a) They are closely allied thoughts (intertwined).
b) God’s mercy and truth provide a health balance between them.
c) “Heavens” and “clouds”
i) These terms are used interchangeably.
ii) The idea: God’s mercy and truth extend from the earth to the clouds high above.

2. Seeking to glorify God

a) The purpose of David’s “praise-songs” was clear.
b) He wanted them to exalt God.
c) God’s Name (His Person) was to be glorified above all the earth.


Psalm 57 offers a classic challenge to all who face similar circumstances in life.

1. Trials and Tribulations attend life

This was something that David discovered painfully. The superscription of Psalm 57 tells us that David was in fact in mortal danger.

2. Triumph in life because of God’s mercy and truth

David found tremendous comfort and renewal through his knowledge of God. As he exercised his trust in God he found triumph through a steadfast faith. Let’s learn how to turn trials into triumphs!