Daily Devotions


Day 262

Psalm 33:21a "Our heart shall rejoice in Him..."

Day 262 – Psalm 33

“Our heart shall rejoice in Him…” Psalm 33:21a


Psalm 33 begins on a note of rejoicing. It concludes on a note of rejoicing too. This beautiful psalm teaches us how we may have a spirit that rejoices in the Lord always!

“Our soul waits for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.
For our hearts shall rejoice in Him,
Because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let Your mercy, O LORD, be upon us,
Just as we hope in You.”
Psalm 33:20-22

How we may maintain a spirit of rejoicing is well taught in this text. Three things stand out obviously.

1. Waiting on the Lord

a) As our Help.
b) As our Shield.

2. Rejoicing in the LORD

a) Because of a deep sense of trust in the Lord.
b) Because of knowledge of the Mighty and Holy Name of the Lord.
c) There is every reason for us to make every effort to rejoice in the Lord always.

3. Praying humbly

a) Praying for mercy
i) This prayer is offered humbly.
ii) It is offered with a great sense of trust in the Lord.
b) Praying in hope
i) This hope is based on knowledge of God.
ii) This hope is exercised in prayer.