Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 117

Text: Genesis 20: 11-13


Genesis 20:11-13

11 And Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me on account of my wife.
12 But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
13 And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said to her, ‘This is your kindness that you should do for me: in every place, wherever we go, say of me, ‘He is my brother.’’”


1. Clarification from Abraham about Sarah being a sister

a. Technically, Sarah could be called a sister of Abraham.
b. They had the same father.
c. But Sarah had a different mother.

2. The fears that Abraham had

a. He noted that the people of Gerah did not fear God.
b. He feared that his life would be forfeit if the people knew that they were married.
c. He would have been killed and his wife snatched away.
d. These fears had remained with him for many years.
e. He had not overcome these fears.

3. The plan that Abraham and Sarah had agreed on

a. In all their wanderings, they passed themselves of as brother and sister.
b. This was a plan that they had come up with in all their travels.


There was genuine faith in Abraham. He did believe in the LORD God.

1. But his faith was not very strong though he believed that God was with them.

2. He had not learned how to use his faith to overcome his fears.

经文:创世记 20:11-13


《创世记 20:11-13》
11 亚伯拉罕说:“我以为这地方的人总不惧怕神,必为我妻子的缘故杀我。
12 况且她也实在是我的妹子,她与我是同父异母,后来做了我的妻子。

13 当神叫我离开父家,漂流在外的时候,我对她说:‘我们无论走到什么地方,你可以对人说“他是我的哥哥”,这就是你待我的恩典了。’”


1. 亚伯拉罕澄清撒拉就是他的妹子

a. 实际上,撒拉可以被称为亚伯拉罕的妹子
b. 他们有同一个父亲
c. 但撒拉与亚伯拉罕有不同的母亲

2. 亚伯拉罕的恐惧

a. 他发现基拉耳的人不惧怕上帝
b. 他害怕如果人们知道他与撒拉是夫妻,他将丧失性命
c. 他将会被杀,而妻子会被抢走
d. 这些恐惧已在他心中存有多年了
e. 他一直都没克服这些恐惧

3. 亚伯拉罕和撒拉的共同计划

a. 在所有的行程中,他们都一直假装是兄妹
b. 这是他们在所有旅途中的共同计划



1. 虽然他相信上帝与他们同在,但他的信心并不是很坚定

2. 他还没有学会如何应用自己的信心来克服恐惧