Daily Devotions

2 John

2 John 
Day 14

"He who abides…has both the Father and the Son."

Text: 2 John 9


The danger of not abiding in the teachings of Jesus must be stated clearly. The implications are startling and deadly.

1. “Does not have God”

a) This is a very serious implication.
b) Not abiding in the teachings of Christ has this sobering truth.
i) Christ was sent by the Father.
ii) To reject the Lord Jesus is to reject the Father.
iii) This was a problem that Jesus had to deal with in His lifetime (John 5, 8, 9).

2. “He who abides in the doctrine of Christ”

a) This is seen as a necessity.
b) This is seen as a benchmark feature.
c) John 15 highlights this need clearly.
i) To abide is to be fruitful.
ii) Not to abide is to end up being fruitless and being fruitless ends up being thrown into the fire.

3. “Has both the Father and the Son”

a) It is impossible to separate the Father and the Son
i) In doctrine
ii) In faith
iii) In ministry
iv) In life
b) He has the Father’s
i) Approval
ii) Blessing
c) He has the Son.
i) He has true salvation.
ii) He has an important relationship with Christ.