Daily Devotions


Day 230

Psalm 83:11a "Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb..."

Day 230 – Psalm 83

“Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb…” Psalm 83:11a


Asaph made mention of King Jabin of Canaan. We may be able to catch a glimpse of how the ancient kingdom functioned from Psalm 83.

“Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb,
Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
Who said, ‘Let us take for ourselves
The pastures of God for a possession.'”
Psalm 83:11-12

1. Oreb and Zeeb (Judges 7:24-25)

a) These were powerful Midianite princes who harassed Israel in the days of Gideon.
b) They were defeated and slain by the tribe of Ephraim in a war led by Gideon.

2. Zebah and Zalmunna (Judges 8:1-21)

a) They were kings of Midian (Judges 8:5).
b) They had a mighty army of which 120,000 troops were slain (Judges 8:10).
c) Their wicked plans.
i) They wanted to take the pastures of Israel.
ii) These pastures were affectionately called by Israel “The pastures of God”.


War was not at all uncommon in the days of Gideon. Those who possessed military might tend to bully those who were weaker. In this instance Israel was the weak victim.

1. Israel was not united in the least.

2. The tribes never united themselves to fight their common enemies.

3. Some tribes may from time to time group together to fight for their survival.

4. But generally, they were easy targets for more powerful enemies.

5. Their only hope was to cry out to God in desperation for His mercy.

6. Time and again God would raise up judges who would deliver them from their enemies. Asaph was pleading that God would deal with Israel’s enemies as in the day of the Judges.