Daily Devotions


Day 188

Psalm 107:16a "He has broken the gates of bronze..."

Day 188 – Psalm 107

“He has broken the gates of bronze…” Psalm 107:16a


We would all do better at developing our sense of appreciation if we took the trouble to ponder the deliverance God brings about.

“For He has broken the gates of bronze,
And cut the bars of iron in two.”
Psalm 107:16

1. The gates of the city

a) Gates were usually made of mortar.
b) These were gates of great cities.
c) These gates prevented invaders from entering into the city easily.
d) They also prevented prisoners from breaking out.
e) City gates were usually well patrolled.

2. “Gates of bronze”

a) This would be a figure of speech.
b) It highlights the difficulty of breaking down these gates.
c) It would take nothing less than Divine power to break these gates of bronze.

3. “He has”

a) This is an obvious reference to God.
b) He had done two mighty miracles for the children of Israel.
i) He had broken down the gates of bronze.
ii) He had cut the bars of iron in two.
c) These mighty miracles should heighten the following senses:-
i) Sense of gratitude
ii) Sense of thanksgiving