Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 58

Text: Galatians 6: 1-2


“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:1-2


1. The word “overtaken”:

a. It is often used to describe a person caught by “surprise”.
b. This was certainly true when the Galatian believers found themselves in a dilemma.

2. The false teachers had come into their midst.

a. They seemed to be teaching the Scriptures.
b. They appeared to be genuine.
c. The Galatians found themselves “overtaken” by their trespasses.

3. How did this happen?

a. Their faith in the Lord was affected adversely.
b. Their relationship with Paul and their church friends were mauled badly.
c. Sins in their life began to threaten them further.
d. They were “overtaken” by surprise that they had fallen from grace so badly.

4. A call to those who were spiritual.

a. They had not been caught by the false teachers.
b. They had remained faithful and true.
c. They had a special role to play.
d. They were called upon to help those who had fallen away.

5. The ministry of restoration.

a. The lives of the people who had been deceived had been torn apart.
b. The call was for the spiritual to restore that which was broken and torn.

6. How should this ministry be done effectively?

a. It is to be done gently.
b. The people whose faith and life had been shattered do not need scolding.
c. They need:
i. Kindness
ii. Gentleness

7. A special reminder to those who seek to minister to others.

a. To consider themselves humbly.
b. Sin can entrap and engulf anyone.
c. Every precaution must be taken to prevent oneself from falling into the trap of sin.

8. Fulfilling the law of Christ.

a. The Lord’s summary of the Law is:
i. To love the LORD.
ii. To love one’s neighbour as ourselves (Matthew 22:34-39).
b. To fulfil the law of the Lord Jesus Christ.
i. To help others be restored in the faith.
ii. To do this in the spirit of love.

经文:加拉太书 6


《加拉太书 6:1-2》


1. “所胜”

a. 这常用来形容一个人“措手不及”

2. 假师傅来到他们之中

a. 他们似乎在教导经文
b. 他们显得真诚
c. 加拉太人被他们的过犯“所胜”

3. 这怎么会发生?

a. 他们对主的信心受到严重影响
b. 他们与保罗和教友们的关系受到了极大伤害
c. 他们生命里的罪开始进一步对他们产生威胁
d. 他们被过犯“所胜”而从恩典中坠落使他们感到措手不及

4. 呼召属灵的人们

a. 他们还未被假师傅伤害
b. 他们保持虔诚与忠实
c. 他们扮演着特别的角色
d. 他们被呼召来帮助离弃道理的

5. 复兴的职事

a. 受迷惑的人的生命受到毁坏
b. 这呼召是叫属灵的复兴那受到破坏的

6. 这职事要如何有效执行呢?

a. 必须温柔地执行
b. 那信心与生命已受到破坏的无须再受到谴责
c. 他们需要:
i. 恩慈
ii. 温柔

7. 特别提醒想要服侍他人的

a. 谦卑待人
b. 罪恶能诱捕与吞噬任何人
c. 我们得尽所能谨慎,避免堕入罪的陷阱中

8. 实践基督的律法

a. 主对律法的总结:
i. 爱上帝
ii. 爱人如爱己《马太福音22:34-39》
b. 实践主基督耶稣的律法
i. 帮助他人恢复信心
ii. 借着爱来实践