Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 15

Text: Colossians 1: 24-25


“I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God.”

Colossians 1:24-25


1. Suffering of any kind is not easy.

a. Many are unable to cope with intense suffering.
b. They become adversely affected when suffering is prolonged

2. Paul’s example of suffering.

a. It is amazing that he is able to speak of rejoicing in suffering for the sake of preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. In particular, Paul suffered much when he preached to the Gentiles about salvation in the Lord.

3. What made Paul able to take so much suffering and yet still find joy in his heart?

a. He thought about the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ.
i. To many, the suffering of the Lord was a concept that seemed too far away.
ii. But Paul’s suffering was very visible and current.
iii. Through his personal suffering, people could understand the suffering of the Lord Jesus more clearly.
iv. In this sense, he fulfilled what seemed to be “lacking” in the afflictions of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. Paul endured suffering also for the sake of the body of Christ, that is, the church.
i. He loved the Lord Jesus.
ii. He also loved the Church which was the body of the Lord.
iii. Love enables a person to bear all things, including suffering.
c. Paul had a stewardship given to him.
i. He was made a minister (a servant of the Lord..
ii. His special ministry was to the Gentiles.
iii. The Colossian Church was essentially made up of Gentile believers.
iv. Paul sought to fulfil the task entrusted to him.
v. He was committed to fulfilling what had been committed to him.
d. All of these things enable Paul:
i. To endure suffering.
ii. To endure suffering with joy.

经文:歌罗西书 1


《歌罗西书 1:24-25》


1. 受任何苦都是不简单的

a. 很多人都无法承受极大的苦难

b. 当苦难漫长,他们会受到不利的影响

2. 保罗受苦的例子

a. 他能够谈论为传主耶稣基督的福音而受苦倒觉得欢乐,是令人惊奇的

b. 尤其是保罗对外邦人传讲在主里的救恩时,受尽了苦难

3. 什么使保罗能够承受如此多苦难,心中却存有欢乐呢?

a. 他想到了主耶稣基督受的苦难

i. 对很多人来说,主受的苦难是一个很遥远的概念

ii. 但保罗受的苦难不但看得见且当前

iii. 借着他个人受的苦难,人们可以更清楚地理解主耶稣受的苦难

iv. 这样,他成就了主耶稣基督患难中好似“缺乏”的方面

b. 保罗忍受苦难也是为了基督的身体,那就是教会

i. 他深爱主耶稣

ii. 他也深爱教会,主的身体

iii. 爱使人能承受一切,包括苦难

c. 保罗被赐了一个职分

i. 他被奉为执事(主的仆人)

ii. 他特别的事工是对外邦人

iii. 歌罗西的教会大致上都是外邦人的信徒

iv. 保罗力求完成交托予他的任务

v. 他致力于成就托付给他的事

d. 这些足以使保罗:

i. 承受苦难

ii. 受苦倒觉欢乐