Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 41

Text: Luke 4: 23-24


1. The Lord Jesus sensed hostility among the people.

a. Some may have been open and welcoming.
b. But others were hostile though this was not made known immediately.

2. Reading their hearts and minds

a. Citing a proverbial saying:
“Physician, heal yourself” Luke 4:23
i. If a physician is good and famous then he would be able to heal himself of any ailment.
ii. But it is not a proverb of total truth.
iii. A doctor may help cure cancer in his patients but many may still die from it.
b. Reference in Capernaum
i. Many good reports had come in about the miracles the Lord performed there.
“Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum” Luke 4:23a
ii. The challenge was to be able to repeat those miracles in Nazareth.
“Do also in Your country” Luke 4:23b
iii. The people in Nazareth did not really believe that the Lord Jesus had performed all those miracles. There was strong unbelief.

3. Citing another proverbial saying

a. “No prophet is accepted in his own country.” Luke 4:22
b. This was an old saying.
i. It was based on facts.
c. The Lord cited this proverbial saying and applied it to Himself.
i. He was like a prophet who was not accepted in His own country (in this case, His hometown).
ii. He knew that the people did not believe Him.
iii. They did not accept Him as anything more than the son of Joseph.
iv. This was their great loss.

经文:路加福音 4:23-24


1. 主耶稣感觉到人们所怀的敌意

a. 有些人可能是开放和热情的
b. 但其他人是敌对的,尽管这并没有立即被显露

2. 了解他们的心思和意念

a. 引用一句谚语:
“医生,你医治自己吧” 《路加福音 4:23》
i. 如果医生是有名与出色的,那么他将能够医治自己的任何疾病
ii. 但这谚语不含着完全的真理
iii. 医生可能会帮助治愈癌症患者,但仍有许多人死于癌症
b. 在迦百农的报告
i. 有许多关于主在那里所行的奇迹的好报告
“我们听见你在迦百农所行的事” 《路加福音 4:23a》
ii. 挑战在于能否在拿撒勒重复这些奇迹
“也当行在你自己家乡里” 《路加福音 4:23b》
iii. 拿撒勒的人并不真正相信主耶稣已经行了这些奇迹。他们有深深的不信。

3. 引用另一句谚语

a. “没有先知在自己家乡被人悦纳的”《路加福音 4:24》
b. 这是一句古老的谚语
i. 基于观察
ii. 基于事实
c. 主引用了这句谚语并将它应用在自己身上
i. 祂就像一个在祂自己国家不被接受的先知(在这情况下,是他的家乡)
ii. 祂知道人们不相信祂
iii. 他们只接受祂为约瑟的儿子
iv. 这是他们巨大的损失