Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 283

Text: Luke 22: 69-71


1. The Lord Jesus knew that this Council had already made up its mind.

a. The Council had plotted to kill Him.
b. They may formally ask Him to answer questions.
c. But they are not interested in His answers.

2. The Lord Jesus knew that.

a. Justice would not be upheld
b. They were just going through the motions.
i. They will lay a formal charge against Him.
ii. This charge must be one that would attract capital punishment.
iii. They wanted to destroy the influence of the Lord Jesus.

3. An important Declaration by the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Hereafter the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of God.”

Luke 22:69

a. He called Himself “The Son of Man”.
b. This was His correct title.
c. This phrase may be traced to Daniel 7:13-14.
d. The Son of Man would be seated at the right hand of God.
e. The phrase “the right hand of God” represents the power of the LORD.

4. The Retort of the Council Members.

“Then they all said, ‘Are You then the Son of God?’”

Luke 22:70a

a. This question was like a bait.
b. It was a question that would “entrap” the Lord Jesus.
c. It was a question that He could not but answer.

5. The answer of the Lord Jesus.

“So He said to them, ‘You rightly say that I am.’”

Luke 22:70b

a. He affirmed that He was indeed “The Son of God”.
b. This was the solemn and proven truth.

6. The outburst of the Council.

“And they said, ‘What further testimony do we need? For we have heard it ourselves from His own mouth.’”

Luke 22:71

a. They were waiting for the Lord Jesus to make this declaration.
b. To the Council this was nothing short of blasphemy.
c. They did not need any other witness.
d. They had all heard what the Lord Jesus had affirmed.
e. The punishment for blasphemy in their mind was the death penalty.

经文:路加福音 22:69-71

公会前的正式会议 (二)

1. 主耶稣知道公会已经做出了决定

a. 公会密谋要杀祂

b. 他们可能正式问祂问题

c. 但他们对祂的回答并不感兴趣

2. 主耶稣知道这一点

a. 他们不会维护正义

b. 他们只是敷衍了事

i. 他们将正式控告祂

ii. 这项指控必须导致死刑

iii. 他们想要破坏主耶稣的影响力

3. 主耶稣基督的重要宣言


《路加福音 22:69》

a. 祂自称为“人子”

b. 这是祂正确的称呼

c. 这句话可以追溯到《但以理书 7:13-14》

d. 人子将坐在神的右边

e. “神的右边”这句话代表上帝的权能

4. 公会的反驳


《路加福音 22:70a》

a. 这个问题就像一个诱饵

b. 这是一个会“诱捕”主耶稣的问题

c. 这是一个祂不得不回答的问题

5. 主耶稣的回答


《路加福音 22:70b》

a. 祂确认自己地确是“神的儿子”

b. 这是庄严且被验证的真理

6. 公会的爆发


《路加福音 22:71》

a. 他们在等待主耶稣做此宣告

b. 对公会来说,这简直是亵渎的话

c. 他们不需要任何其他见证

d. 他们全都听到了主耶稣所确认的

e. 他们认为亵渎的惩罚是死刑