Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 210

Text: Luke 16: 19-31


1. The Lord Jesus was a Master-Teacher of Parables.

2. In His teaching about prudence concerning money matters, He created a Parable.

3. Features of the Parable

a. A rich man
i. He was not given a name.
ii. He was simply described as a “rich man” (Luke 16:19a).
b. Indicators of his wealth
i. His clothing
He wore purple and fine linen (Luke 16:19b).
ii. His food
He ate very well every day (Luke 16:19c).
c. A poor man
i. He was a beggar.
ii. He was covered with sores.
iii. He had no money for any treatment.
iv. He was laid at the gate of the rich man (He had progressively become weaker) {Luke 16:20}.
v. He longed for scraps of food from the rich man’s table (Luke 16:21a).
vi. Dogs were mentioned. They too awaited scraps of food from the rich man’s table.
vii. The dogs were the companions of Lazarus. They licked his sores (Luke 16:21b).
d. In time, both died.
i. Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s bosom. He was in the presence and comfort of Abraham (Luke 16:22).
ii. The rich man died and found himself in Hades.
iii. He looked up and saw Lazarus with Abraham (Luke 16:23b).

经文:路加福音 16:19-31


1. 主耶稣是最善于用比喻教导人的老师

2. 关于谨慎运用钱财的教训,祂自创了一个比喻

3. 比喻的特点

a. 财主

i. 他没有名字

ii. 他只是被称为“财主”《路加福音 16:19a》

b. 他财富的指标

i. 他的衣着

他穿着紫色袍和细麻布衣服《路加福音 16:19b》

ii. 他的饮食

他天天奢华宴乐《路加福音 16:19c》

c. 穷人

i. 他是讨饭的

ii. 他浑身长疮

iii. 他没有钱寻求治疗

iv. 他被人放在财主门口,身体渐渐地衰弱 《路加福音 16:20》

v. 他渴望财主桌子上掉下来的零碎《路加福音 16:21a》

vi. 狗也在财主的桌子下。它们也等待着财主桌子上掉下来的零碎

vii. 狗是拉撒路的同伴。它们舔他的疮《路加福音 16:21b》

d. 后来,拉撒路和狗都死了

i. 拉撒路在亚伯拉罕的怀里。他在亚伯拉罕身旁并且得到安慰《路加福音 16:22》

ii. 财主死后到了阴间

iii. 他举目望见拉撒路和亚伯拉罕 《路加福音 16:23b》