Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 209

Text: Luke 16: 17-18


“And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

Luke 16:17-18

1. There will be changes now that the Lord Jesus had come.

a. He will be bringing in the New Covenant (Luke 22:20).
b. This would eclipse and replace the Covenant established at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 24).

2. However, the Law continued to be inviolable.

a. The Law and the Prophets were given by God Himself.
b. Therefore, He will uphold it.
c. No word would pass away.
d. It would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the Scriptures to fail.
e. The Scriptures must continue to be well-regarded and obeyed.

3. The Marriage Covenant

a. Moses did make provision for a marriage to end in divorce.
b. But this would be because of extreme conditions.
c. The sad reality was that some were abusing the law Moses gave. (This was recorded in Deuteronomy 24:1-4).
d. Women were being divorced for trivial reasons!
i. If they burned the breakfast of the husband.
ii. If she raised her voice too loudly.
iii. If she quarrelled with her mother-in-law etc.

4. The Lord Jesus sounded a severe word of warning to all who broke the Law wantonly.

a. If a man divorces his wife to get married to another person, he would be guilty of the sin of adultery.
b. The divorced woman who marries another would also be adjudged guilty of the same sin.
c. The Lord’s teaching here was directed at those who were taking liberty with the law!

经文:路加福音 16:17-18



《路加福音 16:17-18》

1. 自主耶稣的来临,这些律法将会有改变

a. 祂将会带来新约《路加福音 22:20》

b. 新约将会完全代替在西奈山所立的约《出埃及记 24》

2. 这些律法依然是不可侵犯的

a. 律法和先知的话来自于上帝

b. 所以,祂将会维护律法

c. 没有话语会落空

d. 天地废去较比律法落空还容易

e. 人们应该继续遵守及适当看待经文

3. 婚姻的约

a. 摩西确实提供了离婚为结束婚姻的管道

b. 不过,这只能在极为恶劣的情况下

c. 可悲的现实是,有些人滥用了摩西所提供的律法(这记载在《申命记 24:1-4》》

d. 女方会因琐碎的理由而遭到离婚!

i. 若她们弄焦了丈夫的早餐

ii. 若她们声量太大

iii. 若她们与家婆争吵等

4. 主耶稣严肃地告诫所有轻易侵犯律法的人

a. 凡休妻另娶的,就是犯奸淫

b. 凡被休之妻另嫁,也将宣判同样的罪

c. 主的这番教训指向所有藐视律法的人们!