Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 208

Text: Luke 16: 16


1. The phrase was used to describe the following:

a. A reference to the Scriptures.
b. They were regarded as fully authoritative.
c. They were also considered “complete”.
d. Nothing was to be added to “The Law and the Prophets”.

2. The Lord Jesus sought to explain that this was not the complete picture.

a. The Law and the Prophets were of great importance.
b. But there was more that must be added to the Law and the Prophets.
c. His teachings must be added to the Law and the Prophets.


“The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it”.

Luke 16:16

1. “The law and the prophets were until John”

a. “Until John”
b. The Ministry of John the Baptiser was of great theological significance.

2. John’s Ministry

a. He was the forerunner of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. John was the prophesied forerunner (Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 40:1-8).
c. John was ushering in the era of the Messiah.

3. The kingdom of God

a. John preached about the Kingdom of God.
b. His focus was not “The Law and the Prophets”.

4. The Lord Jesus certainly preached the Kingdom of God.

a. That the kingdom of God is at hand.
b. He invited all to enter into the kingdom of God.

5. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.

a. The kingdom of God had been preached:
i. By John the Baptiser.
ii. By the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. But there were others who also preached about the kingdom of God.
i. But these were false teachers.
ii. “Everyone was pressing into it”.
c. The idea of “pressing”.
i. It is not through faith in the Lord Jesus.
ii. People were thinking of the Kingdom as a physical/ political one.
iii. They were trying to force themselves into the kingdom of God.
iv. This, of course, was wrong! No one can enter into God’s kingdom forcibly.

经文:路加福音 16:16


1. 这短语被用来形容以下事项:

a. 指经文

b. 经文被视为极为有权威

c. 经文也被认为是“完全的”

d. 必不能对“律法和先知的话”增添任何东西

2. 主耶稣解释这并非全貌

a. “律法和先知的话”确实极为重要

b. 不过,我们得在“律法和先知的话”上增添更多

c. “律法和先知的话”必须增添主耶稣的教训



《路加福音 16:16》

1. “律法和先知到约翰为止”

a. “到约翰为止”

b. 施洗约翰的职事有着重要的神学意义

2. 施洗约翰的职事

a. 他是弥赛亚,主耶稣基督的先锋

b. 施洗约翰被预言是先锋 《玛拉基书 3:1,以赛亚书 40:1-8》

c. 施洗约翰将会迎来弥赛亚的时代

3. 上帝的国

a. 施洗约翰向世人传扬关于上帝的国

b. 他的焦点并不是“律法和先知”

4. 主耶稣的证道也是关于上帝的国

a. 有关天国近了

b. 祂邀请所有人进入天国

5. “从此神国的福音传开了,人人努力要进去”

a. 上帝的国的福音传开了:

i. 借着施洗约翰

ii. 通过主耶稣基督

b. 不过,也有其他人传扬天国

i. 但这些是假师傅

ii. “人人努力要进去”

c. “努力要进去”的概念

i. 这并不是通过信主耶稣

ii. 人们以为天国是实体或政治性的

iii. 他们尝试强制进入上帝的国

iv. 这显然是错误的!无人能够强制性地进入天国