Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 195

Text: Luke 14: 34-35


“Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Luke 14:34-35

1. Salt

a. It was used extensively in the days of the Lord Jesus.
i. To season food.
ii. To preserve food (meat, fish etc..
iii. In basic medical attention (cleansing of wounds).
iv. As part of a person’s wages.
b. Unrefined Salt
i. Salt was taken from sea water.
ii. They were extracted from the sea water.
iii. The quality of salt was not very significant.
iv. It can lose its salty flavour.

2. The question the Lord Jesus put to His hearers.

a. If Salt has lost its flavour,
b. What then would it be good for?
c. The normal practice when Salt has lost its flavour:
i. It is fit for nothing.
ii. It is just simply thrown away.
iii. This was a sobering thought.

3. What was the Lord Jesus seeking to teach?

a. Salt has its own contribution to life.
b. Every human being has something to offer in life.
i. A sense of moral good.
ii. Something to offer to life and society.
c. But Sin can destroy basic human morality.
i. Life can then become like salt that has lost its flavour.
ii. Life becomes listless.
iii. It can also become meaningless.
d. Sin must be dealt with or it would have a devastating effect on life.

4. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

a. It is our responsibility to hear.
b. We must make appropriate responses.
c. The danger of salt losing its flavour is very real!

经文:路加福音 14:34-35




1. 盐

a. 在主耶稣的时期常用

i. 来调味食物

ii. 来保存食物(肉类、鱼类等食品)

iii. 来当基本救伤(洗伤口)

iv. 做为工资

b. 粗盐

i. 来自海水

ii. 从海水中取出来

iii. 这盐的质量不好

iv. 它可能会失去咸味

2. 主耶稣对听者发问

a. 盐若是失了咸味

b. 那还有何用处?

c. 一般失去咸味的盐:

i. 不能用

ii. 直接丢在外面

iii. 这是值得深思的

3. 主耶稣到底在教导什么?

a. 盐在生活中有所贡献

b. 每个人也在生活中有机会做出贡献

i. 做有道德的人

ii. 为生活和社会带来贡献

c. 但罪可以毁了人类的基本道德

i. 使生命像失去咸味的盐

ii. 生活无精打彩

iii. 生活变得毫无意义

d. 罪若不处理,将会有危害生命的后果

4. “有耳可听的,就应当听!”

a. 听是我们的责任

b. 我们也必须做出适当的反应

c. 失去咸味的危险是真实的!