Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 172

Text: Luke 12: 45-48


1. There will always be people who turn out to be wicked and false:

a. In occupations.
b. In professions.
c. In vocations.

2. The Lord Jesus gave a Parable about 3 Bad Servants.

3. The First servant who is probably a steward (head of the staff of servants).

a. The problem lies in the wicked human heart.
b. He thinks that his master is going to be delayed.
c. He begins to bully his fellow-servants.
d. He also begins to eat and drink.
e. He becomes a drunkard (Luke 12:45).

4. The Master returns unexpectedly.

a. He will cut him in two (Metaphorically).
b. He will be treated as an unbeliever (Luke 12:46).

5. The Second Bad servant who failed to live up to his Master’s will.

a. He did not prepare himself according to that will.
b. He will be chastised (beaten with many stripes) {Luke 12:47}.

6. The Third Bad servant who was ignorant of his Master’s will.

a. He may not have been well-instructed about the Master’s will.
b. He commits many errors deserving of punishment.
c. But he will be chastised less severely (beaten with less stripes) {Luke 12:48}.

7. An important principle to bear in mind.

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”

Luke 12:48b

a. To all who has been entrusted with much.
b. The expectations will be higher.
c. The greater the commitment given, much more is expected of that servant!

经文:路加福音 12:45-48


1. 总会有人是可恶和虚假:

a. 在工作上
b. 在专业领域
c. 在职业领域

2. 主耶稣用三种恶仆来做比喻

3. 第一个仆人应该是管家(仆人的领袖)

a. 他的问题是他邪恶的心肠
b. 他认为他的主人会迟到
c. 他便开始欺负其他仆人
d. 他也开始吃喝醉酒
e. 他变成一个酒鬼《路加福音 12:45》

4. 主人意外回来

a. 他会处治他(隐喻地)
b. 他会被视为不忠心的人《路加福音 12:46》

5. 第二个恶仆没有遵从他主人的意思

a. 他没有为主人的意思而预备
b. 他会受责备(责打)《路加福音 12:47》

6. 第三个恶仆不知道主人的意思

a. 他或许没有很好地了解主人的意思
b. 他犯了很多应受责备的过错
c. 但他会被轻微地责备(少受责打)《路加福音 12:48》

7. 要牢记的很重要的原则


《路加福音 12:48b》

a. 所有多受托的人
b. 要求会更高
c. 越受托的仆人,对他们的期望就更大!