Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 43

Text: Genesis 9: 4-7


Genesis 9:4-7

4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
5 Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.
6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.
7 And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; Bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it.”


1. An important instruction

a. Animals may be eaten as food.
b. But they must be killed before they are eaten.
c. They cannot be consumed while they are still alive.

2. Lifeblood

a. Blood represents life.
b. Life must be respected.

3. Taking of human life

a. This is expressly forbidden.
b. Man must be especially respected.
i. He was made differently.
ii. He was made in the image of God.
c. Proper regard for man reflects regard for God.

4. Word of encouragement to Noah’s family

They have a whole new world to work in. The LORD would bless them with success. They can go forth and multiply and they would be fruitful in their endeavours as they walk with God faithfully.

经文:创世记 9:4-7


《创世记 9:4-7》
4 唯独肉带着血,那就是它的生命,你们不可吃。
5 流你们血,害你们命的,无论是兽是人,我必讨他的罪,就是向各人的弟兄也是如此。
6 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为神造人是照自己的形象造的。

7 你们要生养众多,在地上昌盛繁茂。”


1. 重要的指示

a. 动物可以被当做食物
b. 但是必须先将其杀死,然后才能食用
c. 不能吃活生生的动物

2. 血

a. 血代表生命
b. 必须尊重生命

3. 夺取人的性命

a. 这是不容许的
b. 对人要有特别的尊重
i. 人和动物不一样
ii. 人是按照上帝的形象造的

4. 给挪亚一家鼓励的话语
