Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 296

Text: Genesis 37: 29-32


Genesis 37:29-32

29 Then Reuben returned to the pit, and indeed Joseph was not in the pit; and he tore his clothes.
30 And he returned to his brothers and said, “The lad is no more; and I, where shall I go?”
31 So they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the tunic in the blood.
32 Then they sent the tunic of many colours, and they brought it to their father and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?”


1. Reuben returned to see an empty pit

a. Reuben was the firstborn son and thus the oldest brother.
b. He was very upset when he returned to find Joseph missing from the pit.
c. An expression of deep grief:
i. The tearing of his clothes.
ii. The clothing was the “outer coat” (“tunic”).
iii. This was a traditional way of expression of great grief felt.
iv. None of the brothers shared this sense of grief.
d. His cry of despair
i. The brothers must have informed him that Joseph had been sold.
ii. To Reuben, this was as if Joseph was as good as dead.
iii. He did not expect to see Joseph again.

2. A deceitful plan

a. The brothers killed a kid of the goats.
b. They used the blood to splatter on the coat of many colours.
c. They returned home to their father with the blood-stained coat of Joseph.
d. They asked if their father could recognize the coat. They acted most deceitfully!

One sin led to another. They were unable to tell their father they had sold Joseph!

经文:创世记 37:29-32


《创世记 37:29-32》



1. 鲁本回到空荡的坑

a. 鲁本是长子,因此是最年长的儿子
b. 当他回到坑边但不见约瑟时,他感到十分伤心
c. 极大悲伤的表情:
i. 他把衣服撕裂
ii. 这衣服是“外衣”
iii. 这是古时后表现极大悲伤的传统方式
iv. 其他的兄弟们并没有感到一样的悲伤
d. 他绝望的哀叹
i. 兄弟们一定告诉他约瑟被卖了
ii. 对鲁本来说,这和约瑟已经死了没分别
iii. 他不认为能够再见到约瑟

2. 狡诈的计划

a. 兄弟们宰了一只公山羊
b. 他们把山羊的血洒在约瑟的彩衣上
c. 他们带着染了血的彩衣回到父亲那里
d. 他们问父亲是否认得彩衣。 他们的行为非常狡诈!
