Daily Devotions


Day 8

"Some who trouble you..."

Text: Galatians 1:7b


The apostle Paul displayed an understanding of the problem that the Galatian churches were facing.

Which is not another;
But there are some who trouble you
And want to pervert the gospel of Christ.

Galatians 1:7

1. “Which is not another”

a) Paul was making reference to “a different gospel” (Galatians 1:6).
b) This seems to be another version of the gospel Paul preached.
c) In Paul’s analysis:-
i) This was not the same gospel.
ii) This was not another version of the same gospel.
iii) This gospel may “look alike” but is in fact a different gospel.

2. “There are some who trouble you”

a) Paul identified the people who had caused the Galatians to move away from the Gospel they had heard and believed in.
b) Who were these people?
i) They were people who troubled others.
ii) They wanted to pervert the gospel preached by Paul.
iii) The word “pervert” speaks of “a major change” in the content of the Gospel.

3. “The gospel of Christ”

The following features must always be borne in mind.

a) Jesus is the Christ.
b) He is the Lord.
c) He is the Deliverer.
d) He gave His life so that redemption is made possible.
e) He fulfilled God’s will of redemption.
f) His role in the redemptive plan of God must be accorded full honour.

4. A different gospel

There was perversion in this gospel. And any perversion of the gospel must be strenuously resisted. Paul was not just a great evangelist. He had now become a defender of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.