Daily Devotions


Day 60

"The oppression of the poor"

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8


Every good king would like to see his country become wealthy, the people law-abiding and the poor have a chance in improving their lot in life. The sad reality is that there would be some who are oppressed and corruption is almost inevitable.

“If you see the oppression of the poor,
and the violent perversion of justice and righteousness
in a province, do not marvel at the matter;
for high official watches over high official,
and higher officials are over them.”
Ecclesiastes 5:8

1. “If you see the oppression of the poor”

a) This is a grim and sad reality.
b) The poor tend to be oppressed.
i) They have no one who would speak for them.
ii) They have no means to protest their lot in life.
c) The oppression of the poor is easily seen.

2. “And the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province”

a) “Justice and righteousness in a province”
i) These should be the hallmarks of a good country.
ii) These features would augur well for the nation.
iii) These would reflect good governance.
b) “Violent perversion”
i) Perversion of justice is bad enough.
ii) Violence is closely associated with the perversion of justice and righteousness.
iii) The victims suffer in silence.
iv) Few will protest for fear of even worse treatment.

3. “Do not marvel at the matter”

a) A person who is young and naive may “marvel” as they look at the oppression of the poor.
b) Scenes of perversion of justice and violence may become common place.
c) But one need not “marvel at the matter”.
i) Sin affects all.
ii) Sin has terrible effects on the individual.

4. “For high official watches over high official, and higher officials are over them”

a) Society was like a hierarchy.
b) The administrative system may be broken down in this truncated manner.
i) Officials are appointed.
ii) Higher officials watch over them.
iii) And even higher-level officials would watch over those who are under them.
c) This system is theoretically sound.
i) There is accountability.
ii) This should curb oppression significantly.
iii) But no human system is flawless.
iv) Cracks will always be found.
v) Corruption can take place easily.