Daily Devotions


Day 59

"But fear God"

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:7


Solomon summarised his short discussion on vows with this thought. One must practise the fear of God diligently.

“For in the multitude of dreams and many words
there is also vanity.
But fear God.”
Ecclesiastes 5:7

1. “For in the multitude of dreams”

a) Dreams may be from God.
b) Dreams may also arise from many activities.
c) It is hard to differentiate the source at times.
d) The challenge is to beware that we do not make vows quickly based on these “dreams”.

2. “And many words”

a) Many words may refer to:
i) People talking about “dreams”.
ii) Making of vows as a result of these dreams.
b) There is danger when vows are made along the way.
i) Vows may be uttered out of an emotional outburst.
ii) Every vow must be taken seriously.

3. “There is also vanity”

a) Dreams may not be from God, thus they are “vanity”.
b) Many words spoken may be just “empty words” and these are indeed “vanity”.
c) Vows that are made and not honoured would certainly be “vanity”.

4. “But fear God”

a) This is the wisest thing to practise.
b) To fear God is to practise proper reverence.
c) There must be a great sense of regard for God when going to His house for worship.
d) Fearing God ought to have the following expressions:
i) Knowledge that a vow is a sacred promise to God.
ii) Every vow must be fulfilled conscientiously.
iii) God’s name must be honoured by the keeping of the vow.