Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 414

A Humbled Disciple

Text: John 20: 28 - 29


Thomas the Twin was just a little short of being arrogant. He rejected all the testimonies of his fellow-disciples. He declared that he would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he had personally seen the wounds of Jesus and actually touched those wounds with his own hands! Jesus understood Thomas and graciously manifested Himself to him most unexpectedly. This took Thomas by surprise!

“And Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’”

John 20:28

1. “My Lord”

a. Thomas had acknowledged Jesus as his Lord when he became a disciple.
b. The death of Jesus shook his faith severely and for a while he was adrift.
c. In deep humility, once again, he confessed his faith in Jesus as his Lord.

2. “And my God”

a. Thomas now understood better who Jesus really was.
b. He was more than an ordinary Man.
c. He was indeed “The Son of God”.
d. He now fully confessed that Jesus was his God for He was truly divine.


Jesus responded to Thomas most graciously. He added a special word of blessing.

“Jesus said to him. ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’” 

John 20:29

1. “Because you have seen Me, you have believed”

a. Jesus did not despise Thomas.
b. He affirmed his faith.
c. He was glad for Thomas that he had overcome his doubts.
d. He had returned to his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”

a. There were many who may not be able to see such a special manifestation from Jesus.
b. Nevertheless, they were able to have faith in Him.
c. These are blessed indeed for the strength of their faith.
d. It is possible to have a genuinely strong faith in Jesus.
e. We may not see Jesus with our eyes, but our faith in Him would be recognized and blessed!

经文:约翰福音 20:28-29




《约翰福音 20:28》

1. “我的主”

a. 当多马成为门徒时,他已经承认耶稣为他的主
b. 耶稣的死使他的信心动摇了,心中充满疑惑
c. 多马以极大的谦卑再次承认他在主耶稣里的信心。

2. “我的神”

a. 多马现在更深一层地了解耶稣的身份
b. 祂不仅是一个普通的人
c. 耶稣确实是上帝的“独生子”
d. 他完全地承认耶稣就是他的上帝,因耶稣的确神圣





1. “你因看见了我才信”

a. 耶稣并没有藐视多马
b. 耶稣肯定了多马的信心
c. 耶稣为多马能克服自己的疑惑而感到喜乐
d. 多马回转了,在主耶稣基督里重新得着信心

2. “那没有看见就信的有福了”

a. 许多人或许没能亲眼看见耶稣特别的显现
b. 虽然如此,他们仍然能够在耶稣里得着信心
c. 这些没有看见就信的人,将因有着坚固的信心而得福
d. 要培养坚固的信心是可能的
e. 我们虽然没亲眼看见耶稣,但我们在主里的信心将会得到承认与赐福