Daily Devotions


Day 26

"You will call Me, 'My husband'"

Text: Hosea 2:16


Those who promoted idolatry used clever means to ensnare Israel. The way in which Israel made reference to God was to use the word “Lord!” Baal also means “lord” or “master”. The LORD God had to address the issue of the use of the word “Baal”.

“‘And it shall be, in that day,’
Says the LORD,
‘That you will call Me ‘My Husband,’
And no longer call Me ‘My Master.””
Hosea 2:16

1. “‘And it shall be, in that day,’ Says the LORD”

a) This would be a post-punishment period.
b) Beyond the “comfort” stage.
c) Beyond the “Door of hope” stage.
d) When would that day be?
i) When Israel has truly repented.
ii) Post-exilic period.
iii) When Israel has returned to its homeland.
iv) When God starts to re-build the nation.
e) This was a special and direct word of promise from the LORD God.

2. “That you will call Me ‘My husband'”

a) The word “Husband”
i) A simple word for “man” (Hebrew “Ish”).
ii) The feminine equivalent would be “Ishah” (Hebrew).
iii) There is a suggestion that there is a very strong and close relationship with God.
iv) We are reminded of the original use of the words “Ish” and “Ishah” (Genesis 2:23-24).
v) Adam was “Ish” (Man) and he called Eve “Ishah” (“Woman”).
b) “My Husband”
i) Israel would return to the original close relationship with God.
ii) She would develop a very special and close relationship with the LORD.
iii) There will be no more estrangement.

3. And no longer call Me “Baal”

a) Baal was also the name of a foreign God (Chief male god of the Phoenicians).
b) It was a common word meaning “master”, or “lord”. The formal relationship with God would end.