Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 21

"They will exploit you with deceptive words"

Text: 2 Peter 2:3


Peter did not merely warn about the threat of false teachers. He also gave an analysis of the way they worked. His insights are astute.

“By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words;
for a long time their judgment has not been idle,
and their destruction does not slumber.”
2 Peter 2:3

1. “By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words”

a) The false teachers were driven by avarice.

b) They coveted what others have with greediness.

c) They employed “deceptive words”.

i) These were passed off as “teachings”.

ii) But they were actually “fabrications”.

d) Exploitation of the hearers:

i) They treated the hearers as if they were merchandise.

ii) They used them to gain wealth, fame etc.

2. “For a long time their judgment has not been idle”

a) These false teachers would be judged.

b) The judgment of false teachers.

i) The judgments of God have been recorded in the Scriptures.

ii) They date back to a long time ago.

c) The judgment of God may seem to be missing.

i) But God has already judged the unrepentant.

ii) That judgment however, may not be very obvious or clear.

3. “And their destruction does not slumber”

a) The second statement is similar to the first one.

b) Their “judgment” is one of “destruction”.

c) This judgment is not “idle” nor is it “slumbering” (sleeping).

4. Questions some may struggle with

a) If these false teachers are deadly, why does not God punish them?

b) Why does God seem to hesitate or delay in dealing with these false teachers?

c) Peter’s answer is clear:

i) God will judge them.

ii) The false teachers will bring about their own destruction.

iii) But how and when God would bring judgment is His prerogative.