"Earnest expectation..."
Text: Romans 8:19
There are many aspects of our salvation to appreciate! Here is one more aspect.
“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits
for the revealing of the sons of God.”
Romans 8:19
How should we understand and appreciate this text?
1. Creation of God
a) The work of “creation” is to be deeply appreciated at all times.
b) This text focuses on the creation of “the sons of God”.
i) All believers are “born again”.
ii) This new birth is a special creative act of the Holy Spirit.
iii) The old nature has been replaced by a new one.
2. Earnest Expectation
a) In the new creation a special sense of “expectation” is created.
b) This expectation is described as “earnest”.
i) Maturity of faith deepens this sense of “earnest expectation”.
ii) A deepening knowledge also enhances this sense of “earnest expectation”.
3. The Revealing of the sons of God
a) This is a future aspect.
b) The “new birth” experience is only the first of many wonderful acts of God.
c) The process of “sanctification” sees the sons of God growing further.
d) The final stage is called “the revealing of the sons of God”,
i) This would be when we have shed our earthly garb of flesh.
ii) We would have a new resurrection body.