Daily Devotions


Day 20

Psalm 91:11a "For He shall give His angels charge over you..."

Day 20 – Psalm 91

“For He shall give His angels charge over you…” Psalm 91:11a


How wonderful it is to know that God has myriads of angels at His command. He is the LORD of hosts and His holy angels do His bidding.

“For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 91:11-12

1. Giving the angels charge

a) A charge is “a command”.
b) Angels are charged to look after those who have made the Lord their dwelling place.
c) They will give special protection to the beloved of the Lord who keep close to Him.

2. The danger of abuse

a) There is grave danger of abuse of this text.
b) Some may think that they can put themselves in hazardous situations and the angels of God will help extricate them out of those situations.

3. The example of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 4)

a) Satan once tempted Jesus to jump from a pinnacle of the temple (Matthew 4:6).
b) He cited this text to Jesus, suggesting that the angels would protect Him from harm.
c) Jesus rejected the application of the text in the way Satan suggested it.
d) Jesus taught the following truths:-
i) The Lord must not be tested.
ii) The Lord’s promise of protection does not mean we can put ourselves in harm’s way.
iii) Angels are not committed to rescuing people who foolishly put themselves in danger.
iv) Jesus rejected the temptation to test this promise of angelic protection.
v) He demonstrated the correct way of applying this text in real life.