Daily Devotions


Day 296

Psalm 87:7b "All my springs are in you."

Day 296 – Psalm 87

“All my springs are in you.” Psalm 87:7b


The sons of Korah encouraged the cultivation of great joy in the Lord.

“Both the singers and the players on instruments say,
‘All my springs are in you.'”
Psalm 87:7

1. Archives of King David

King David established the ministry of having singers to minister in the Temple (1 Chronicles 23-26).

2. Ministry of the musicians

a) The singers
i) Morning
ii) Evening
iii) At every presentation of burnt offerings to God (1 Chronicles 6:31-32; 1 Chronicles 23:30-31).
b) The players on instruments
i) David provided more than 4000 musical instruments (1 Chronicles 23:5).
ii) They were to help in the prophetic ministry (1 Chronicles 25:1-7).
iii) Music and prophecy were somehow closely related.

3. “All my springs are in you”

a) The symbol of “springs”:-
i) Symbol of water
ii) Symbol of life
iii) Symbol of God’s provision and blessing (Psalm 84:6)
b) Springs in Zion
i) God will bless all who belonged to Him.
ii) There is great assurance that He will bless with life-giving springs in Zion.