Daily Devotions


Day 85

Psalm 77:6b "I meditate within my heart..."

Day 85 – Psalm 77

“I meditate within my heart…” Psalm 77:6b


This was a discipline that was practised by many in the ancient days. Sadly, it seems to be a lost discipline today. Meditation was going to be another step that Asaph would take to get out of his spiritual doldrums.

“I meditate within my heart…”
Psalm 77:6b

1. References to Meditation

There are many references to meditation. Let us look at the following references. King David himself practised meditation. Asaph was personally acquainted with king David
(1 Chronicles 15-16).

a) Prayer and meditation went together with David.

“Give ear to my words, O LORD,
Consider my meditation.”
Psalm 5:1

b) He encouraged the practice of meditation.

“Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still.”
Psalm 4:4

2. Personal practice

Knowledge of people who practised meditation would not go very far. Knowledge of the discipline of meditation would not go very far either. The challenge is to personally practise meditation.

a) “I meditate”
i) Thus Asaph began his practice of meditation.
ii) He knew what he must do to meditate properly.
b) “Within my heart”
i) His heart must be totally engaged.
ii) He must battle dark feelings of anger.
iii) He must battle sinful feelings associated with unholy anger.
iv) He must train his heart to be still.
v) He must appreciate afresh that he comes into the awesome Presence of God in prayer.