Daily Devotions


Day 146

Psalm 106:5a "That I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones..."

Day 146 – Psalm 106

“That I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones…” Psalm 106:5a


The psalmist teaches us how we must never take anything for granted. Even when God’s deliverance is given, and even when His blessings abound, the heart must learn to take nothing for granted.

“That I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones,
That I may rejoice in the gladness of Your nation,
That I may glory with Your inheritance.”
Psalm 106:5

1. The blessings of God

a) The word “benefit” is another way of describing God’s blessings.
b) An expression of God’s blessing (benefit) is the gift of “gladness” to the nation.
i) Gladness may indeed be a fitting response of a good and appreciative heart.
ii) But not very many may be described as having “gladness” of heart.
iii) Gladness of heart is a special blessing from God (Psalm 4:7).
c) One of God’s special blessings is His “inheritance”.
i) The land of Canaan was part of God’s inheritance.
ii) But not everyone knew how to glory with God’s inheritance.

2. “That I may”

a) This phrase beautifully reflects the humble heart of the psalmist.
b) He does not take for granted that he would automatically or naturally be able to respond appropriately to God’s blessings.
c) What then does this phrase represent?
i) “That I may see”
He desired to be able to see and appreciate the benefits God bestowed on His people.
ii) “That I may rejoice”
He desired a heart that is able to rejoice in all that God was doing for His people.
iii) “That I may glory”
He desired the ability to fully appreciate the significance of being so blessed by God.