Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 380

The Calm Reasoned Reply Of Jesus

Text: John 19: 11


Jesus was the most remarkable prisoner that Pilate had ever met! He was most impressive in the way He conducted Himself amidst such strong and evil hostility.

“Jesus answered, ‘You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.’” 

John 19:11

1. “You could have no power at all against Me”

a. Jesus was not impressed with the power that Pilate believed he had.
b. He was not concerned even about the power that Rome possessed.
c. Human power is very limited.

2. “Unless it had been given you from above”

a. Jesus was making reference to the power of God.
b. He is the Divine source of real power.
c. Jesus trusted in His Father, the God of gods, and the Lord of lords.
d. Only Divine power from God would have any bearing on Jesus.

3. “Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin”

a. This is a reference to the Sanhedrin Council in general.
b. The one who had actually caused Jesus to be delivered would be the high priest Annas.
c. He was supposed to lead Israel:
i. In the paths of righteousness.
ii. In the paths revealed in the Word of God.
d. He had failed in his duties:
i. When he abused the authority entrusted to him.
ii. When he delivered Jesus to the Roman governor for execution.
iii. He had the greater sin indeed for he had chosen to send the Messiah to death on the cross.
e. Pilate was not blameless.
i. He had declared that he had found no fault in Jesus at least three times.
ii. Yet he caused Him to be scourged and had allowed his soldiers to mock Jesus.
iii. He should have done justice by releasing Jesus but he did not.

经文:约翰福音 19:11




《约翰福音 19:11》

1. “你就毫无权柄办我”

a. 耶稣并没看重彼拉多认为自己所拥有的权柄
b. 祂甚至毫不担心罗马所拥有的权威
c. 人的权柄是非常有限的

2. “若不是从上头赐给你的”

a. 耶稣所指的是上帝的大能
b. 他是真正大能的神圣源头
c. 耶稣信靠祂的父,万神之神,万主之主
d. 只有来自上帝的神圣大能才会对耶稣起任何影响

3. “所以,把我交给你的那人罪更重了”

a. 这指的是公会
b. 真正把耶稣交给彼拉多的是大祭司亚那
c. 他原本该带领以色列:
i. 在正义的道路上
ii. 在上帝的话语中所显现的道路上
d. 他在职责上失败了:
i. 当他滥用委托给他的权柄时
ii. 当他将耶稣交给罗马巡抚处死时
iii. 因为他选择将弥赛亚钉死在十字架上,他的罪确实更重
e. 彼拉多并非无可指摘
i. 他曾宣告至少三次查不出在耶稣身上有什么罪
ii. 然而,他使耶稣受到鞭打并允许他的士兵戏弄祂
iii. 他应该伸张正义释放耶稣,但他没有