Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 351

Thinking Of His Disciples

Text: John 18: 8 - 9


Jesus was marvelously calm. He was not afraid of His enemies. Twice, He identified Himself clearly as Jesus of Nazareth. It is possible that those who had been sent to arrest Him did not know Jesus personally.

“Jesus answered, ‘I have told you that I am He. Therefore, if you seek Me, let these go their way.’ That the saying might be fulfilled which He spoke, ‘Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none.’”

John 18:8-9

1. “Jesus answered, ‘I have told you that I am He’”

a. This was the third time Jesus affirmed His identity.
b. He was not going to hide Himself or deny what was true.

2. “Therefore, if you seek Me, let these go their way”

a. The direct command of the chief priests and Pharisees was to arrest Jesus.
b. Thus, the enemies were intent on finding Jesus.
c. Jesus asked that His Disciples not be arrested with Him.
i. The Lord continued to think of the welfare of His Disciples.
ii. How He must have loved them.
iii. He was not afraid of going with His captors.

3. “That the saying might be fulfilled which He spoke”

a. The thought of “fulfilment” was very much on His mind.
b. Jesus, in His prayer, had mentioned that He had lost none of His Disciples, except the son of perdition (John 17:12).
c. He now sought to have His word fulfilled by asking His captors not to arrest His Disciples.

4. “Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none.”

a. Jesus thought of His Disciples as those whom God, the Father, had given Him.
b. Thus, He cared for them with all His heart.
c. He had guarded them for the last three years.
d. They were in some danger at this point of time.
i. His enemies were armed with weapons.
ii. They had every intention to arrest Jesus by every means at their disposal.
e. Jesus sought to protect His Disciples by politely asking that they might not be arrested with Him.
f. This was another wonderful display of the love that Jesus had for His beloved Disciples.

经文:约翰福音 18:8-9




《约翰福音 18:8-9》

1. “耶稣说:‘我已经告诉你们:我就是。”

a. 这是第三次耶稣确认祂的身份
b. 祂并不打算躲藏或否认真相

2. “你们若找我,就让这些人去吧”

a. 祭司长和法利赛人的命令是捉拿耶稣
b. 因此,仇敌的意图就是找到耶稣
c. 耶稣要求祂的门徒不会和祂一起被捉拿
i. 主继续为祂的门徒的安危着想
ii. 祂是多么地爱他们
iii. 祂并不害怕随捉拿祂的人走

3. “这要应验耶稣从前的话说”

a. “应验”这念头一直在祂的脑海里
b. 耶稣在祂的祷告里提到祂没有失落任何一个门徒,除了那灭亡之子《约翰福音 17:12》
c. 祂如今要应验祂曾说的话,叫捉拿祂的人不要捉拿祂的门徒


a. 耶稣把祂的门徒视为是父神所赐给祂的
b. 因此,祂非常用心地关心他们
c. 祂在这三年里一直保守着他们
d. 这时候,他们有难了
i. 祂的仇敌身带武器
ii. 他们会不惜一切捉拿耶稣
e. 耶稣客气地请求门徒不会同祂一起被捉拿,以试图保守门徒
f. 这再一次美好地展现了耶稣对祂亲爱的门徒的爱