Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 254

Teaching By Example

Text: John 13: 15-16


Jesus was a Master-Teacher. He had vast and deep knowledge of spiritual truths. The greatest of His teaching skills was to be found in teaching by example!

“For I have given you an example, That you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, A servant is not greater than his master;
Nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.”

John 13:15-6

1. I have given you an example

a. Jesus had taught by example all this while
b. But this had not been consciously noted by the Disciples
c. Foot-washing had to be done in order for the Disciples to more fully comprehend the lesson on humility

2. Obviously there wasn’t a whole lot of humility among the Disciples

a. They argued among themselves as to who was the greatest Luke 22:24
b. Jesus had taught them not to be influenced by worldly ways of thinking and doing things Luke 22:25-26
c. He was among them as One who serves Luke 22:27
d. This lesson had not been well-learned
e. Thus, Jesus had to resort to actually washing the feet of His disciples to help them learn this lesson

3. The normal and correct understanding

a. Two analogies were presented
i. Master and servant
ii. The lord who sends and the messenger
b. It is obvious who is the greater
i. The master is greater than the servant
ii. The lord is greater than the servant he sends on an errand

4. Jesus as Lord and Teacher

a. He is certainly greater than His disciples
b. As Lord He is certainly greater
c. Yet, as Teacher and Lord, He washed the feet of His disciples as a demonstration of humility

经文:约翰福音 13: 15-16




《约翰福音 13:15-16》

1. “我给你们做了榜样”

a. 耶稣一直以来都是通过自身的榜样来教导
b. 但是,门徒并没有富意识地注意到这一点
c. 耶稣必须洗门徒的脚,以让他们更全面地理解有关谦卑的教训

2. 门徒之间显然没有极大的谦卑

a. 他们彼此争论哪一个可算为大《路加福音 22:24》
b. 耶稣教训他们不能被世俗的思维和行事的方式所影响 《路加福音 22:25-26》
c. 祂在他们中间如同服事人的 《路加福音 22:27》
d. 他们还没有好好地学到这教训
e. 因此,耶稣不得不为门徒洗脚,以帮助他们学习这个教训

3. 正常及正确的理解

a. 这里提出了两个比喻
i. 主人与仆人
ii. 差人与差他的人
b. 这里谁为大是很明显的
i. 主人比仆人大
ii. 差人的大于被差去办事的仆人

4. 耶稣是主也是夫子

a. 祂肯定大于祂的门徒
b. 身为主,祂肯定为大
c. 然而,身为夫子和主,祂竟然洗了门徒的脚作为谦卑的表现