Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 253

Understanding Foot-Washing

Text: John 13: 12-14


Jesus knew that His disciples did not fully comprehend why He had washed their feet. This act had great significance that needed to be understood at a deeper level. Thus, He spoke to His disciples further.

“So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, And sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, For so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, You also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

John 13:12-14

1. “Do you know what I have done to you?”

a. This was a special teaching skill Jesus utilised
b. This was to help the Disciples do the following:
i. To reflect
ii. To comprehend the significance of what Jesus had just done
c. There was probably silence from His disciples
d. They waited for the explanation they knew would be taught to them

2. “You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am”

a. These were the two favourite titles the Disciples used when they spoke to Jesus
i. They called Him “Teacher” as a mark of great respect
ii. They also called Him “Lord” in recognition for who He was! He was more than a Teacher
b. Commendation of the Disciples
i. They have addressed Him correctly
ii. He was indeed Teacher
iii. He was certainly Lord as well

3. The application of the Foot-washing lesson

a. Imagine the Lord and Teacher washing their feet!
i. This was astounding
ii. This was unheard of humility
b. “You also ought to wash one another’s feet”
i. The lesson of the practice of genuine humility must not be lost
ii. They must show true and great humility to each other!

经文:约翰福音 13: 12-14



“耶稣洗完了他们的脚,就穿上衣服,又坐下,对他们说:‘我向你们所做的,你们明白吗? 你们称呼我夫子,称呼我主,你们说的不错,我本来是。 我是你们的主、你们的夫子,尚且洗你们的脚,你们也当彼此洗脚。’”

《约翰福音 13:12-14》

1. “我向你们所做的,你们明白吗?”

a. 耶稣使用了一个特殊的教导技巧
b. 这是为了帮助门徒做以下的事项:
i. 反思
ii. 理解耶稣刚刚所行的事的重要性
c. 祂的门徒很可能保持着沉默
d. 他们等待着将被教授的解释

2. “你们称呼我夫子,称呼我主,你们说的不错,我本来是”

a. 门徒在与耶稣交谈时,最喜欢使用这两个称呼
i. 他们出于极大的尊重而称祂为“夫子”
ii. 他们也因认识祂是谁而称祂为“主”!祂不仅是夫子
b. 赞许门徒
i. 他们正确地称呼了祂
ii. 祂确实是夫子
iii. 祂当然也是主


a. 想像主和夫子竟然洗他们的脚!
i. 这令人震惊
ii. 这是闻所未闻的谦卑
b. “你们也当彼此洗脚”
i. 实践这真切的谦卑的教训绝对不能丢失
ii. 他们必须对彼此表现真实和极大的谦卑!