Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 245

A Summary Statement

Text: John 12: 50


The writer of the Gospel of John was a very skilful writer. He noted that Jesus was essentially concluding His public teaching ministry (John 12:36).

He went on to masterfully give a summary statement of the following subjects which Jesus had taught in public.

1. The subject of “Believing in Jesus” John 12:44

2. The subject of “Seeing God” in Jesus John 12:45

3. The subject of “The light of the world” John 12:46

4. The subject of “Judgment” John 12:47

5. The subject of “Rejection” John 12:48

6. The subject of “Authority” John 12:49

7. The subject of Jesus’ “Faithfulness in obeying God” John 12:50


God delights in obedience more than any sacrifice offered to Him (1 Samuel 15:22). Jesus had understood this fundamental truth and had thus always practised full and complete obedience.

“And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”

John 12:50

1. “ I know that His command is everlasting life”

a. In the commandments of God, everlasting life is to be found.
b. God’s commandments were given:
i. To Moses and to the prophets.
ii. Obedience to His commandments would lead to everlasting life.
c. Jesus had this profound understanding of the significance of the word (commandment) of God.

2. “Therefore, whatever I speak”

a. Jesus practised this consciousness consistently.
b. He was committed to obeying His Father’s word.
c. He lived by every word of God (Matthew 4:4).

3. “Just as the Father has told Me, so I speak”

a. Jesus sought to teach all, that His doctrine was not His but God’s, who had sent Him (John 7:16).
b. And as the Father had told Him, thus He spoke.

This truth may be understood and discerned only by those who do God’s will (John 7:17).

经文:约翰福音 12:50


写约翰福音的作者非常有技巧。他指出耶稣是在总结祂向群众公共教导的职事。《约翰福音 12:37》


1.关于“信耶稣” 《约翰福音 12:44》

2.关于在耶稣里“看见上帝” 《约翰福音 12:45》

3.关于“世界的光” 《约翰福音 12:46》

4.关于“审判” 《约翰福音 12:47》

5.关于“弃绝” 《约翰福音 12:48》

6.关于“权柄” 《约翰福音 12:49》

7. 关于耶稣“遵从上帝的忠实” 《约翰福音 12:50》


上帝喜悦人听从祂的话,胜于祂喜悦献祭 《撒母耳记上 15:22》。耶稣了解了这核心真理,因此祂时时刻刻完全顺从上帝。


《约翰福音 12:50》

1. “我也知道他的命令就是永生”

a. 在上帝的命令里,我们能找到永生
b. 上帝的命令:
i. 上帝将祂的命令给了摩西和先知们
ii. 遵从上帝的命令,必得永生
c. 耶稣对上帝的话语(命令)的重要性有着深刻的理解

2. “故此,我所讲的话”

a. 耶稣自始至终都有意识地这么做
b. 祂致力于顺从祂父的话
c. 祂活着,是靠上帝口里所出的一切话《马太福音 4:4》

3. “照着父对我所说的”

a. 耶稣试图教导众人,祂的教训不是祂自己的,而是差祂来的上帝所说的《约翰福音 7:16》
b. 天父如何告诉祂,祂就如何说

人若立志遵着祂的旨意行,就必晓得这真理。《约翰福音 7:17》