Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 244

The Authority of God

Text: John 12: 49


Jesus always spoke with tremendous and obvious authority (Matthew 7:29). This was observed by casual observers as they listened to Jesus speaking. Once again, we have a summary on the subject of the authority that lay behind the ministry of Jesus’ teaching.

“For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.”

John 12:49

1. “For I have not spoken on My own authority”

a. This was something Jesus was most conscious of.
b. He practised this consciousness most consistently.

2. Jesus sought to explain this “authority”

a. By speaking of being “Sent” by His Father.
i. He who has been sent speaks the words of God (John 3:34).
ii. He has been given the Spirit of God without measure (John 3:34).
iii. He had given all things (including authority) to the Son (John 3:35).
b. By saying that His Father works with Him.
i. The Son can do nothing of Himself (John 5:19).
ii. What He sees the Father do, that He does as well (John 5:19).
iii. The Father shows Him what to do at all times (John 5:20).
c. All judgment has been given to the Son
i. Great authority is obviously given to the One who is appointed Judge.
ii. The Father has committed all judgment authority to His Son (John 5:27).
iii. Jesus’ judgment would be in perfect tandem with His Father (John 5:30).

3. “But the Father who sent Me gave me a command”

a. Jesus was conscious that He was Son.
b. God was ever The Father in Heaven.
c. God had indeed given a command to His Son.
d. That He had been given a command was revealed in this text.

4. “What I should say and what I should speak”

a. “Say” and “speak” are synonyms.
b. This statement serves to highlight the fact that Jesus would never speak on His own authority!

经文:约翰福音 12:49


一直以来,耶稣说话时,都带有极大和明显的权柄《马太福音 7:29》。听祂说话的人都观察到了这一点。我们再一次看到耶稣的教训背后的权柄。耶稣也对祂的权柄这题目作了些总结。


《约翰福音 12:49》

1. “因为我没有凭着自己讲”

a. 这是耶稣深深地意识到的
b. 祂自始至终都有意识地这么做

2. 耶稣试图解释这个“权柄”

a. 祂说祂是父“差”来的
i. 上帝所差来的,就说上帝的话 《约翰福音 3:34》
ii. 上帝赐圣灵给祂,是没有限量的 《约翰福音 3:34》
iii. 天父已将万有(包括权柄)交在祂手里 《约翰福音 3:35》
b. 祂说父与祂一同工作
i. 子凭着自己不能做什么 《约翰福音 5:19》
ii. 唯有看见父所做的,子才能做 《约翰福音 5:19》
iii. 父爱子,将自己所做的一切事指给祂看 《约翰福音 5:20》
c. 父已将行审判的权柄交给了子
i. 被任命为审判者的,肯定已被赏赐了极大的权柄
ii. 父已将行审判的权柄赐给祂的子 《约翰福音 5:27》
iii. 耶稣和祂父的审判,将会是一致的 《约翰福音 5:30》

3. “唯有差我来的父已经给我命令”

a. 耶稣意识到祂是子
b. 上帝仍是祂天上的父神
c. 上帝的确把命令给予了祂的子
d. 这段经文透露了父已给了子命令

4. “叫我说什么、讲什么”

a. “说” 和 “讲” 是同义词
b. 这句话强调了耶稣不会凭着自己的权柄说话!