Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 44

Text: Galatians 4: 28-29


“Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now.

Galatians 4:28-29


1. The Apostle Paul sought to make a distinction between:

a. The son of Hagar, Ishmael.
b. The son of Sarah, Isaac.

2. The word, “son” extended to the word “children”.

a. Technically, Hagar had only one son.

b. Sarah also had only one son.

3. The word “children of promise” was not used to describe ethnic descendants.

4. This phrase was employed:

a. To all who had come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. He is the Seed of Abraham.
c. Through Him and in Him, all believers are called “children of promise”
i. This includes ethnic descendants of Abraham.
ii. This also encompasses those who are called “Gentiles”.
iii. All who have believed in the promises of God by faith.

5. Paul added another important phrase.

a. How do believers become “children of promise?”
b. This is possible because believers are “born according to the Spirit”.
c. The Spirit of God is involved!

6. An important teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. The Lord Jesus explained this teaching to a teacher of Israel called Nicodemus.
b. The Spirit of God brings about:
i. A spiritual birth.
ii. The believer is said to be “born again” (John 3:3).
iii. Paul wrote in full agreement to this teaching.

7. He who is born according to the flesh.

a. In the original context, it is a reference to Ishmael.
b. He was born “according to the flesh”.
c. He was not born:
i. According to the promise.
ii. According to the Spirit.
d. Ishmael “persecuted” Isaac.
i. Ishmael was “scoffing” at Isaac (Genesis 21:9).
ii. He was laughing at Isaac derisively.
iii. Paul used the word “persecuted” to describe Ishmael’s action.
e. Those who were born of the flesh continue to persecute those who are born according to the Spirit.
i. That was very true in the days of the Apostle Paul.
ii. Believers had to endure persecution from those who did not believe.

经文:加拉太书 4

“弟兄们,我们是凭着应许做儿女,如同以撒一样。 当时那按着血气生的逼迫了那按着圣灵生的,现在也是这样。”

《加拉太书 4:28-29》


1. 使徒保罗试着分别这两人:

a. 夏甲的儿子,以实玛利
b. 撒拉的儿子,以撒

2. “儿子”这词也包括“儿女”

a. 事实上,夏甲只有一位儿子
b. 撒拉也只有一位儿子

3. “应许做儿女”不是用来描述民族的后代

4. 这句话指的是:

a. 所有在主耶稣基督里找到信心的人
b. 祂是亚伯拉罕的后裔
c. 通过祂以及在祂里,所有的信徒者被称为“应许”的“儿女”
i. 这包括亚伯拉罕民族的后代
ii. 这也包括“外邦人”
iii. 所有以信相信上帝的应许

5. 保罗加了另外一句重要的句子

a. 信徒者怎样成为“应许”的“儿女”?
b. 这是因为信徒者是“按着圣灵生的”
c. 圣灵参与着!

6. 主耶稣基督重要的教导

a. 主耶稣把这教导解释给以色列的一位师傅,名叫尼哥迪慕
b. 圣灵带来:
i. 属灵的生产
ii. 信徒者会“重生”《约翰福音 3:3》
iii. 保罗完全同意这教导

7. 按着血气生的

a. 这在原本的语境指的是以实玛利
b. 他是“按着血气生的”
c. 他不是出生于:
i. 应许
ii. 圣灵
d. 以实玛利“逼迫” 以撒
i. 以实玛利给以撒“戏笑”《创世记 21:9》
ii. 他在嘲笑以撒
iii. 保罗用“逼迫”来形容以实玛利所做的
e. 那些按着血气生的继续地逼迫那按着圣灵生的
i. 这在使徒保罗时期是很真实的
ii. 信徒者得忍受不信者得逼迫