Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 67

Text: Luke 6: 31-36


1. We need principles to live by

a. Principles taught by the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. Principles He lived by.
c. Principles we must abide by if we are true followers.

2. What we wish from others

a. Whatever behaviour we wish others would show us.
b. We must show that same good behaviour (Luke 6:31).

3. The normal range of thought

a. Normal range of thought concerning love.
i. As we are given love.
ii. We show the same love to them.
iii. This is not outstanding at all.
iv. Sinful people are capable of practising this (Luke 6:32).
b. Normal range of thought concerning doing good.
i. As people do good to us.
ii. We show the same good to them.
iii. This is not outstanding too.
iv. Sinful people are able to do this just as well (Luke 6:33).
c. Normal range of lending to people.
i. Lending to people who will be able to return the loan.
ii. This is not outstanding in any way.
iii. Even sinful people can do the same thing (Luke 6:34).

4. Beyond the normal range of thought

a. The principle of Christian true and deep love.
i. Show love to enemies.
ii. Do good to those who may not show us any good.
iii. Lend without thought of receiving anything back in return (Luke 6:35a).
b. Trust that God will reward.
i. His reward will be great.
ii. We show that we are true children of the Most High God (Luke 6:35b).
c. God’s example of being kind to be borne in mind.
i. He shows kindness to those who are evil.
ii. He shows kindness to those who are unthankful (Luke 6:35).
d. The challenge is to practise genuine mercy. Just as God has been so merciful to us (Luke 6:36).

经文:路加福音 6:31-36


1. 我们都需要拥有生活的原则

a. 主耶稣基督所教导的原则
b. 祂所遵循的原则
c. 若是真诚地跟随主,就必须遵守的原则

2. 我们对别人的要求

a. 我们愿意人怎样待我们
b. 我们也要怎样待人《路加福音 6:31》

3. 一般的想法

a. 关于爱的一般想法
i. 因为我们有了爱
ii. 我们也向他人表示同样的爱
iii. 这一点都不特出
iv. 罪人也有能力做出这样的表现《路加福音 6:32》
b. 关于善待他人的想法
i. 当他人善待我们时
ii. 我们也同样善待他们
iii. 这也不突出
iv. 罪人也可以这样行《路加福音 6:33》
c. 借东西给人的想法
i. 借给有能力还债的人
ii. 这一点都不特出
iii. 就算是罪人也能这么做《路加福音 6:34》

4. 超出这正常的思维

a. 基督徒那真诚、深藏之爱的原则
i. 向仇敌表现出爱
ii. 善待那些不善待我们的人
iii. 借给人不指望偿还《路加福音 6:35a》
b. 相信上帝必赏赐
i. 祂的赏赐就必大了
ii. 我们必表现出身为至高者的儿女的模样《路加福音 6:35b》
c. 必要铭记上帝仁慈的榜样
i. 祂恩待那作恶的
ii. 祂恩待那忘恩的《路加福音 6:35》
d. 真正的挑战是实践真诚的慈悲,像上帝对我们的慈悲一样《路加福音 6:36》