Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 47

Text: Luke 5: 1-3


1. The Lord Jesus was conscious of being sent by God.

a. His purpose in life was to fulfil what God had sent Him for.
b. He knew that there were multitudes who need to hear the word of God.

2. Lake Gennesaret

a. This was another name for the Sea of Galilee.
b. It was called Gennesaret because the land was rich in agricultural produces.
i. Vines
ii. Figs
iii. Wild trees and Wild flowers
iv. Gennesaret was called a beautiful place by a Jewish historian (Josephus).

3. Dual Purposes

a. The Lord found a place to teach the multitudes (Luke 5:3).
b. He used the boat of some fishermen.
c. He would minister to both groups.
i. The multitudes
ii. The fishermen whose boat He used to sit on as He taught.

4. Teaching people

a. The Lord taught at the Temple of Jerusalem.
b. He also taught in the synagogues.
c. He taught in homes that were large enough to have people.
d. He taught in the open air as well.

5. Sitting down to teach

a. This was common practice.
b. People also sat down to listen.
c. It made for “leisurely learning”.
d. The Word of God was taught gently and faithfully.

经文:路加福音 5:1-3


1. 主耶稣意识上帝奉差祂

a. 祂人生的目的就是实现上帝所奉差祂完成的事
b. 祂知道有众多人需要听到上帝的话语

2. 革尼撒勒湖

a. 这是加利利海另外一个名称
b. 这湖叫做革尼撒勒因为那地充满着农作物
i. 葡萄树
ii. 无花果树
iii. 野树野花
iv. 革尼撒勒被一位犹太史学家(约瑟夫斯)称为一个美丽的地方

3. 双作用

a. 主耶稣找到了教众人的地方《路加福音 5:3》
b. 祂用了一些渔夫的船
c. 祂会服侍这两组人
i. 众人
ii. 让主耶稣坐在船上教众人的渔夫

4. 教导人们

a. 主耶稣在耶路撒冷的殿教导
b. 祂也在会堂教导
c. 祂在能够接纳许多人的家中教导
d. 祂也在外面教导

5. 坐着教导

a. 这是常见的
b. 人们也坐着听
c. 这打造了“休闲学习”的环境
d. 上帝的话语温和与忠实的被教导