Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 170

Text: Luke 12: 39-40


1. Much is expected of “servants”

a. To be faithful.
b. To be watchful.
c. These would be duly rewarded.

2. Masters must also be responsible for themselves.

a. Masters are those who own their own houses (Luke 12:39).
i. Some masters have servants.
ii. Others may not have servants.
b. But all are responsible for the safety of their belongings.
i. They have to watch out for thieves.
ii. They cannot be careless or thieves may break into their home.
c. He has to “watch” that thieves cannot break in easily:
i. If they fail to set up safe-guards.
ii. If they have not been diligent, then thieves may break in.

3. Application to the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ,

a. The Son of Man (a favourite reference the Lord Jesus used for Himself).
b. He will come again.
i. But He will come unannounced.
ii. He will come unexpectedly.
c. All believers must practise the following:
i. Faithfulness
ii. Watchfulness
iii. Preparedness

We will then not be afraid of the Return of the Lord Jesus! Instead, we may look forward to His soon Return!

经文:路加福音 12:39-40


1. 主人对仆人的期望

a. 有信实

b. 警醒地行事

c. 若他们的表现达到期望,他们能够得到奖励。

2. 主人也有他们的责任

a. 房屋属于主人 《路加福音 12: 39》

i. 有些主人聘用仆人

ii. 有些并没有仆人

b. 他们都必须为他们的财物负责

i. 他们必须警醒防盗

ii. 若他们不提高警惕,贼便能够挖透房屋。

c. 所以,他必须警醒以防贼挖透房屋;

i. 他们的保障措施不能失败

ii. 他们必须谨慎,否则贼便能够闯入房屋。

3. 主耶稣基督的归来,

a. 人子 (主耶稣喜欢被称为“人子“)

b. 祂会归来

i. 祂的归来不会被宣布

ii. 祂会在人们意想不到的时候归来

c. 所有信徒要必须实行:

i. 信实

ii. 警醒

iii. 准备
