Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 153

Text: Luke 11: 48-50


1. There was a sad aspect of this proverbial saying.

a. The forefathers had killed the prophets of old.
b. The children in the present generation were not unlike their fathers.
i. They approved the deeds of their fathers (Luke 11:48).
ii. They built the tombs of those who were killed.
c. This was a dark and sinister aspect that needed to be noted.
i. They may not have actually said that they approved of their deeds.
ii. But they had not spoken against the lawless deeds of their forbears.
iii. Thus, there was tacit approval.
iv. The building of the tombs does not exonerate their fathers from guilt.

2. A predictive word given:

a. In this prediction, the wisdom of God would be borne out.
i. The “wisdom” is simply the truth of what the Lord Jesus said.
ii. Wickedness was in the hearts of both “fathers” and “sons”.
b. The Lord would send
i. Prophets Luke 11:49a
ii. Apostles Luke 11:49b
c. How would they be treated?
i. They would be killed. Luke 11:49c
ii. They would be persecuted. Luke 11:49d

3. The fulfilment of this word.

a. The Apostles were persecuted (Acts 8:1).
b. The Apostle James was killed (Acts 12:2).

4. Judgment of God

a. The guilt of murder of the prophets would be judged (Luke 11:50a).
b. The present generation that kills God’s servants would bear the full weight of their sin (Luke 11:50b).

经文:路加福音 11:48-50


1. 这箴言中有着悲哀的一点

a. 祖宗杀害了先知
b. 现今的子民们也像祖宗一般
i. 对于祖宗所做的事,他们又证明又喜欢《路加福音 11:48》
ii. 他们为被杀的先知修造坟墓
c. 这是黑暗罪恶的一点
i. 他们也许没有言语上认同祖宗的所作所为
ii. 但他们也没有反对祖宗这般恶行
iii. 因此他们默默地认同
iv. 修造先知的坟墓并不摸清他们祖宗的罪

2. 预言

a. 这预言实践上帝的智慧
i. 这“智慧”就是主耶稣所说的真理
ii. 恶性在祖宗(父)与这时代人(子)的心里
b. 上帝会差遣
i. 先知 《路加福音 11:49a》
ii. 使徒 《路加福音 11:49b》
c. 他们将受到怎样的对待?
i. 他们将被杀害《路加福音 11:49c》
ii. 他们将被逼迫《路加福音 11:49d》

3. 预言将被实践

a. 使徒受到逼迫《使徒行传 8:1》
b. 使徒雅各受到杀害《使徒行传 12:2》

4. 上帝的审判

a. 创世以来所流众先知血的罪将受到审判《路加福音 11:50a》
b. 都要问在这世代的人身上《路加福音 11:50b》