Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 52

Text: Exodus 8: 12-15


Exodus 8:12-15

12 Then Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh. And Moses cried out to the LORD concerning the frogs which He had brought against Pharaoh.
13 So the LORD did according to the word of Moses. And the frogs died out of the houses, out of the courtyards, and out of the fields.
14 They gathered them together in heaps, and the land stank.
15 But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and did not heed them, as the LORD had said.


1. Moses and Aaron left the court of the Pharaoh

a. Much was at stake.
b. Moses had asked the Pharaoh to state when the frogs would leave.

2. The confidence of Moses

a. Moses was growing in confidence with each passing day.
i. His faith was growing.
ii. He could pray with greater confidence too.
b. He was obviously no longer afraid of the Pharaoh.
i. He did not need to rely on Aaron as his spokesman.
ii. He was able to remain strong and courageous against the Pharaoh.

3. The prayer of Moses was answered

a. He heard and answered Moses’ prayer.
b. The frogs died in the homes, the courtyards, and in the fields.
c. The Egyptians gathered them in heaps. The whole country stank because of the number of dead frogs.

4. The Pharaoh’s response

a. The land of Egypt found relief when the frogs died.
b. But the Pharaoh’ s heart remained hardened and he did not keep his word as the LORD had forewarned.

经文:出埃及记 8:12-15


《出埃及记 8:12-15》
12 于是摩西、亚伦离开法老出去。摩西为扰害法老的青蛙呼求耶和华。
13 耶和华就照摩西的话行。凡在房里、院中、田间的青蛙都死了。
14 众人把青蛙聚拢成堆,遍地就都腥臭。

15 但法老见灾祸松缓,就硬着心,不肯听他们,正如耶和华所说的。


1. 摩西和亚伦离开法老的宫殿

a. 这是危急关头
b. 摩西问法老希望什么时候青蛙会离开

2. 摩西的信心

a. 摩西的信心日复一日地增加
i. 他的信心在成长
ii. 他也以更坚强的信心祈祷
b. 他显然不再害怕法老
i. 他不再需要亚伦代替他说话
ii. 他能够坚强和勇敢地面对法老

3. 上帝应允了摩西的祷告

a. 祂听见并且应允了摩西的祷告
b. 凡在房里、院中、田间的青蛙都死了
c. 埃及人把青蛙聚拢成堆。由于遍地都是死去的青蛙,整个国家都腥臭。

4. 法老的反应

a. 当青蛙死了后,埃及得以松缓。
b. 不过,如上帝预先嘱咐,法老继续硬着心,并且没有遵守诺言。