Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 18

Text: Exodus 3: 14-15


Exodus 3:14-15

14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
15 Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’


1. God’s reply to Moses concerning His name

a. “I AM WHO I AM”
This was God’s profound answer to Moses!
b. What does this mean?
i. God is the Self-Existing One.
ii. He is the Eternal One.
iii. He is the Creator in all His power.
iv. He is God and all that the term represents and more.
c. The Person of God cannot be confined or defined:
i. By one name.
ii. No single term or title would fully describe God.

2. We can never use “I AM”

a. We came into the world when we were born.
b. When we die, we cease to exist in the bodily form.
c. We have no power outside ourselves.

3. The Eternal and Everlasting God is to be understood when we read the words “I AM”

a. The great Eternal God has sent Moses to the children of Israel.
b. They may not be able to fully understand initially.
c. But as God reveals His power, they will understand Him better!

4. Further explanation

a. God as the “I AM”.
b. He is:
i. The God of Abraham
ii. The God of Isaac
iii. The God of Jacob
c. He existed before the forefathers came into being.
d. He continues to exist long after they have died.

5. This is God’s Name

a. He is the great “I AM”.
b. The eternal God.
c. He is the Infinite God.
d. This is His name forever.
e. He is to be remembered and revered for who He eternally is!

经文:出埃及记 3:14-15


《出埃及记 3:14-15》



1. 上帝对摩西问祂的名字的答复

a. “我是自有永有的”
b. 这是什么意思?
i. 上帝是自有存在的
ii. 祂是永恒的
iii. 祂是用祂的大能创造万物的
iv. 祂是上帝,这个名词代表了一切, 甚至更多
c. 上帝是不可以被局限或限定的
i. 不限于一个名字
ii. 没有一个名词或称呼可以完全地形容上帝

2. 我们永远不可以用“自由永有的”来形容人类

a. 我们出生来到这个世界
b. 我们死后,身体也就消失了
c. 除了本能, 我们并没有别的能力

3. 当我们读到“自有永有的”这词时,我们应该理解这是形容永恒的上帝

a. 伟大永恒的上帝差遣了摩西到以色列人那里去
b. 他们或许一开始不会完全地理解
c. 但是当上帝显出祂的大能,他们必定会更理解祂!

4. 更深的解释

a. 上帝是“自有永有的”
b. 祂是:
i. 亚伯拉罕的上帝
ii. 以撒的上帝
iii. 雅各的上帝
c. 祂在这些祖宗在世之前就存在了
d. 他们死了以后祂还继续存在

5. 这是上帝的名字

a. 祂是伟大的“自有永有的”
b. 祂是永恒的上帝
c. 祂是无限的上帝
d. 这永远是祂的名字
e. 祂的永恒是要永远被记得及尊崇的!