Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 192

Text: Exodus 29: 1-3


Exodus 29:1-3

1“And this is what you shall do to them to hallow them for ministering to Me as priests: Take one young bull and two rams without blemish,
2 and unleavened bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil (you shall make them of wheat flour).
3 You shall put them in one basket and bring them in the basket, with the bull and the two rams.


1. Instructions from the Lord

a. These were given to Moses.
b. God would explain how Aaron and his sons would be consecrated.
c. They would after consecration be called “priests of God”.
d. Their ministry to the Lord as priests would then commence.

2. The key word: “To hallow”

a. To sanctify
b. To consecrate

3. A sacrifice must be offered

a. One young bull without blemish.
b. Two rams without blemish.
i. These represent strength.
ii. A sacrifice must be made to God before one can serve.
iii. The animals must be healthy and not sickly (without blemish).
c. Unleavened bread
i. No yeast
ii. To represent purity
d. Unleavened cakes
e. Unleavened wafers
i. Made with wheat
ii. Anointed with oil
f. All to be put into one basket.
g. These things represented:
i. Food
ii. Fellowship with God!

经文:出埃及记 29:1-3


《出埃及记 29:1-3》
2 无酵饼和调油的无酵饼,与抹油的无酵薄饼,这都要用细麦面做成。

3 这饼要装在一个筐子里,连筐子带来,又把公牛和两只公绵羊牵来。”


1. 上帝给予的指示

a. 上帝将指示交托给摩西
b. 上帝将解释亚伦和他儿子如何承接圣职
c. 他们承接圣职后,会被称为“上帝的祭司”
d. 他们将展开祭司的职事

2. “成圣”是焦点

a. 为成圣
b. 为分别为圣

3. 奉献的祭品

a. 一只无残疾的公牛犊
b. 两只无残疾的的公绵羊
i. 这象征力量
ii. 在侍奉上帝之前,他们必须奉献祭品
iii. 祭品必须是健康和无残疾的
c. 无酵饼
i. 没有酵母
ii. 因此,这象征纯洁
d. 调油的无酵饼
e. 抹油的无酵薄饼
i. 这都要用细麦面做成
ii. 也涂上油
f. 这饼要装在一个筐子里
g. 这是象征
i. 食物
ii. 与上帝团契!