Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 155

Text: Exodus 23: 18


Exodus 23:18

18 “You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread; nor shall the fat of My sacrifice remain until morning.


1. The offerings that were to be given to God

a. Meaning of “the blood of My sacrifice”
i. This is a reference to animal sacrifices.
ii. “Blood” is a reference to the life of the animal.
iii. There would be a shedding of blood of the animals sacrificed.
iv. This must remind the worshipper that he must be careful not to sin against God wantonly.
b. Leavened and Unleavened bread
i. This must be compared to unleavened bread.
ii. Unleavened bread represents purity for it is unmixed with yeast.
iii. This represents the heart of worship. There must be purity.
iv. The worshipper must do his best to offer worship with purity of heart and life.
v. No leavened bread may be offered at the Passover Feasts.
c. Some of the sacrifices involved offering of the fat to the Lord.
i. When an animal sacrifice is made, all the details must be looked into.
ii. There must be no shoddiness on the part of the priests.
iii. This is particularly true when offering the Passover Lamb.

2. The significance of all these explanations

a. Instructional value
i. Sacrifices can be offered meaninglessly.
ii. The worshipper must seek to understand the meaning of offering sacrifices to God.
b. Insightful value
i. Each detail offers an important insight.
ii. Insights can deepen the meaning of worship.
c. Inspirational value
i. Much inspiration can be drawn from worship.
ii. One can live more devotedly for the glory of God through meaningful experiences in worship.

经文:出埃及记 23:18


《出埃及记 23:18》

18 不可将我祭牲的血和有酵的饼一同献上,也不可将我节上祭牲的脂油留到早晨。


1. 奉献给上帝的祭

a. “我祭牲的血”的含义
i. 这是对祭物的提及
ii. “血”是指祭物的生命
iii. 被牺牲的动物将流血
iv. 这提醒信徒他必须小心不要放纵地得罪上帝
b. 有酵的饼和无酵饼
i. 必须将其与无酵饼做比较
ii. 无酵饼代表纯洁,因为它没有与酵混合
iii. 这代表了崇拜的心态。必须是纯洁的
iv. 崇拜者必须尽力以纯洁的心和生命来崇拜
v. 逾越节不能提供有酵的饼
c. 有些祭牲包括向主献上脂油
i. 献上祭物时,必须仔细研究所有细节
ii. 祭司一定不许有任何草率的态度
iii. 奉献逾越节羔羊时尤其如此

2. 所有这些解释的意义

a. 教学价值
i. 祭牲有可能毫无意义地献上
ii. 崇拜者必须设法理解向神献祭的意义
b. 富见地性的价值
i. 每个细节都提供了重要的见地
ii. 见地可以加深崇拜的意义
c. 启发人心的价值
i. 可以从崇拜中吸取极大的灵感
ii. 通过有意义的崇拜经历,可以更加虔诚地为上帝的荣耀而活