Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 144

Text: Exodus 22: 28


Exodus 22:28

28 You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people


1. “You shall not revile God”

a. What does it mean to “revile God”?
i. It is to speak evil of God.
ii. In its extreme form it would result in cursing God.
b. Why would people revile God?
i. Because they do not understand Him fully.
ii. They may blame God for the problems in their life.
iii. They do not have real faith in Him.
c. We need not revile God.
i. We can choose to trust God.
ii. We can choose to believe amidst difficult times.
iii. We can learn to be steadfast and firm in our faith.

2. “Nor curse a ruler of your people”

a. Rulers are supposed to represent the Lord and His rule on earth.
b. They are meant to do the following:
i. To lead well.
ii. To uphold justice.
iii. To rule well.
c. Those who lead well would never be reviled.
d. Those who do not perform well are subject to being cursed by people.
e. This judgmental approach is not approved by God.

3. Our regard for rulers

a. They are appointed by God (Romans 13).
b. Let us learn how to pray for them.
c. Let us seek to obey the laws of the country.

经文:出埃及记 22:28


《出埃及记 22:28》



1. “不可毁谤神”

a. “毁谤神”是什么意思呢?
i. 是用恶言议论上帝
ii. 最极端的话就是会咒诅上帝
b. 人们为什么会毁谤上帝呢?
i. 因为他们并不完全地了解上帝
ii. 他们把生命里的问题都归咎于上帝
iii. 他们并没有对上帝真正的信心
c. 我们不需要毁谤上帝
i. 我们可以选择信靠上帝
ii. 我们可以选择在艰难的时候相信上帝
iii. 我们可以学习如何有个坚固,不动摇的信心

2. “也不可毁谤你百姓的官长”

a. 官长们应该代表上帝和祂在世上的权柄
b. 官长们应该做好以下的事:
i. 做好领导
ii. 主持公道
iii. 好好统治
c. 做好领导的官长们不会被毁谤
d. 那些没有表现好的官长们会被人们毁谤
e. 上帝不赞成这种毁谤官长们的行为

3. 我们对官长们的敬畏

a. 他们的权柄是出于上帝的 《罗马书 13》
b. 我们要学会如何为他们祈祷
c. 让我们遵从国家的法度