Daily Devotions


Day 326

"The time of Jacob's trouble"

Text: Jeremiah 30:7


The name of Jacob was never a great one, even from birth! Jacob means, “Heel grabber”. He grabbed his brother’s heel on at least two known occasions. He stole Esau’s birth right. He stole the blessing of the firstborn. The name was synonymous with trouble.

“Now these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah.
‘For thus says the LORD:
‘We have heard a voice of trembling,
Of fear, and not of peace.
Ask now, and see,
Whether a man is ever in labour with child?
So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins
Like a woman in labour,
And all faces turned pale?
Alas! For that day is great,
So that none is like it;
And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble,
But he shall be saved out of it.””
Jeremiah 30:4-7

1. “Now these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah”

a) The LORD’s Words concerned both Israel and Judah.

b) This word from God was with reference to a promising future.

2. “For thus says the LORD: ‘We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace'”

a) The LORD had to deal with the negativity that Israel and Judah felt.

b) The collective voice of the people was marked by:

i) Trembling

ii) Fear

iii) No sense of “peace” was felt at all

3. “Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labour with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labour, and all faces turned pale”

a) Who were the people who were very negative?

b) The answer: The men of Israel and Judah.

c) Labour pains

It is understood as the worst of pain ever to be felt!

d) Candid remark by the LORD.

i) Has a man ever been in labour?

ii) The behaviour of the men noted.
They were groaning away as if they were having labour pains!

iii) Their faces were white with fear and trepidation.

4. “Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble,
but he shall be saved out of it”

a) There was suffering in Babylon.

b) There could be potentially more suffering ahead.

c) The people had a name for it: “The time of Jacob’s trouble”

i) Jacob had to flee from the wrath of Esau or risk being killed.

ii) This was arguably one of the most troubled times for Jacob.

d) The Promise of the LORD was given.
God will save His people and deliver them out of their trouble.