Daily Devotions


Day 42

"My people have forgotten Me”

Text: Jeremiah 2:32


One of the special imageries used to describe the relationship between God and His people was that of a marriage. This imagery was used by Hosea the prophet too (Hosea 2:2-5).

“Can a virgin forget her ornaments,
Or a bride her attire?
Yet My people have forgotten Me days without number.”
Jeremiah 2:32

1. “Can a virgin forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?”

a) The virgin and the bride
They refer to the same person.
b) Things that are obtained by the virgin-bride:
i) The ornaments would include necklaces, bangles and rings.
ii) The attire would be handmade. It can be quite simple or very elaborate.
c) These become:
i) Literal treasures
ii) They are not forgotten easily.

2. “Yet My people have forgotten Me days without number”

a) The LORD’s lament.
b) His people had forgotten Him.
i) Days without number.
ii) For the longest time.

3. Some reasons why Israel had “forgotten” God:

a) Ingratitude
b) Idolatry
c) Insufferable forsaking of God
d) Obduracy of the heart