Daily Devotions


Day 374

"I knew that you were obstinate"

Text: Isaiah 48:4


The LORD was committed to teaching His people. He raised up people like Moses, the prophets, the priests and god-fearing people to minister to Israel.

“I have declared the former things from the beginning;
They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it.
Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.
Because I knew that you were obstinate,
And your neck was an iron sinew,
And your brow bronze.”
Isaiah 48:3-4

1. I have declared.

a) This was absolutely true.

b) God had always revealed things from the beginning.

i) The commandments.

ii) The prophecies.

c) He sent many prophets.

i) They gave prophecies.

ii) They were always fulfilled.

d) God’s promise.

i) God gave promises.

ii) He had always kept His promises.

2. Wherein was the problem?

a) The problem did not lie with God.

b) He had shown His power again and again to His people.

3. Facing a grim truth.

a) The problem was the obstinacy of Israel.

b) They refused God’s admonition outright.

c) A graphic description:

i) The neck sinew of Israel was compared to iron.

ii) The brow of the people was like bronze.

d) Israel remained stubborn and unrepentant.